Military euphemisms: a fragmentary thesaurus
SummersTimes: Public Policy Analysis from Scott Summers
Boots on the ground: invading force
Combat operations: war
Counterinsurgency: invasion
Detainees: prisoners
Detention facilities: prisons
Enhanced interrogation techniques: torture
Ethnic cleansing: genocide
Extraordinary rendition: kidnapping
Friendly fire: killing fellow soldiers or sailors by mistake
Improvised explosive devices (or, more blandly, IEDs): booby traps
Intervention: invasion
Surgical strikes: bombing (not necessarily precise)
Targeted killings: assassinations
Terminate with extreme prejudice: execute
Theatre: battlefield
Withdrawal: retreat
And then there’s the biggest euphemism of all: the Department of Defense. From the birth of the republic until shortly after World War II, it was known as………..the War Department.
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