A Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty
As each of us is able -- shun the use of fossil fuels (and plastics!)
I daresay – this is an excellent idea.
It has been put forward by Pacific Ocean island nations whose very existences are at risk due to climate change and rising sea levels.
According to www.FossilFuelTreaty.org, “(i)t's crystal clear: we now need a concrete, binding plan to end the expansion of new coal, oil and gas projects and manage a global transition away from fossil fuels. ...”
“...The proposed treaty would complement the Paris Agreement (the 2015 treaty on climate change) by providing the global roadmap needed to halt the expansion of fossil fuel, manage an equitable phase-out of coal, oil and gas, and lay the foundations for a true just energy transition in which no worker, community or country is left behind.”
Many more nations will be needed to support and then ratify such a treaty. We as citizens must advocate for it.
And we as citizens must live it. As each of us is able – shun the use of fossil fuels (and plastics!) in everyday life.